Divine Intervention: The Story of My Cat Pearl’s Miracle Recovery Through Psychic Ability and Natural Medicine
by Christina Ambrosino
The following is an updated and edited version of an article previously published by Edge Magazine.
My cat Pearl was born in March 2000 in NYC, where we lived. She was a healthy young cat who suddenly began to show recurring flu like symptoms in the spring of 2002. The veterinarian initially said that it was probably nothing serious.After three or four times on antibiotics, followed by improvement each time, Pearl, my sweet kitty, began to have mobility problems. I could see her having trouble controlling her legs. Paralysis was setting in.A series of tests were taken…blood tests, x-rays, urine analysis, etc.I was very worried by this point, and kept sensing she had a virus that was attacking her nervous system.I had been a professional psychic Health Intuitive and Medium for eleven years by that time.But this was my baby….the beautiful and loving little kitten I rescued from my backyard.‘Objectivity’ was not my strong suit at that point, which is a ‘must’ to gain accurate psychic information.Then the awful news came from a specialized blood test. Pearl had a horrible illness called Feline Infectious Peritonitis FIP …an illness that is certain to be fatal, only supportive care, no known cure. Cats usually die with a few months.I was devastated, as I had just lost another other beautiful kitten to cancer.
I could not believe the fates were giving us this destiny.The veterinarian gave me little or no hope.Pearl was put on the usual care, prednisone for pain and suppressing the immune system, therefore keeping the illness from progressing and fluid therapy for hydration.As awful as the situation got, I did not give up.I decided to do research about this rare illness that was so feared and dreaded by the veterinarian medical community.I found the website of a veterinarian in England. She was an expert on this particular illness, and explained, in great detail, how it attacks and affects the animal’s body.After reading her information, I decided to research natural / homeopathic medicine. I learned what the virus was doing to Pearl’s body and treated it as such. By this time, she was totally paralyzed.The veterinarian strongly pushed me to “put her to sleep” for there was no hope. I blatantly refused, which angered the veterinarian who obviously had some control and ego issues. My feeling was that I would do anything and everything that I could to help Pearl. Then if the Divine saw fit to take this loving cat, then so be it.
My intuition guided me. I started Pearl on a twice-a-day regime using the following…. Spirlina to detox and oxygenate the blood, Vitamin C for the Immune system, Vitamin, E for healing process, Omega 3 fish oils, Lecithin for signals from the brain to the spinal cord and wheat grass juice as a cleanser.The premise…. as in holistic health care for humans was to clean the colon that carried all of the toxins and illness then use the vitamins and supplements to build the body up again.Within two weeks of using this treatment twice daily, Pearl began to move again. She went from being totally paralyzed to walking ….gaining strength little by little each day.The Vets were amazed but still saw this as a temporary “stroke of luck” that was unrelated to my actions.I was not affected by their prognosis and continued to make the “concoction” twice a day. I knew was helping Pearl. She would see the dropper coming toward her and dread having this nasty mixture nudged down her throat, but like children, animals do not like to take their medicine! But they must, so I made sure she did.I continued this method for months, with Pearl continuing to improve. I switched to another veterinarian, who was more of a ‘team player’. He was interested and opened to my program after he saw Pearl’s improvement.
Soon Pearl was being deemed “The Miracle Cat” for it was unheard of that a cat with Feline Infectious Peritonitis would survive more than a few months.She was recently retested for the progression of this disease and her number has been cut in half! 360 were her original numbers. They are now at 160… a few numbers away from the ‘carrier’ range!Pearl is now “chunky,” and all of her other tests are normal. The only symptom she now shows is still weakness in her hind legs the veterinarian thinks that is from long term use of prednisone, which she will remain on till her numbers are in the normal range.In the past six months, a few veterinary assistants have utilized the same treatment for cats that had the fatal illness leukemia as well as other animals with other health problems. The animals treated had a full recovery and were doing quite well.In the case of a human subject, a friend suggested this regime to her 75 year old grandmother, a stroke victim, who was totally paralyzed. The doctors gave her little hope. Now, that woman walks with a cane, which is mostly for emotional support and security. This woman no longer speaks of “ending her life” but speaks of the gossip at the hairdressers shop that she still walks to daily!I decided to utilize this health system for myself, having had health issues over the years. I have felt great improvement and vitality since utilizing Holistic and Natural Medicine.I have come to see this whole experience as a life learning lesson, with my kitty, Pearl, being my teacher!I think the point is to understand that we need BOTH western and Natural Medicine, which I integrated for Pearl’s treatment. She needed both to get better….one or the other probably would not have sufficed.It has been fifteen months since Pearl was diagnosed with FIP. The experts said she would be gone well over a year ago, but she is still with us and getting stronger and healthier each day. I still have her on the program and she still runs when she sees that darn dropper coming. But that’s okay, because after she takes her medication, I give her treats and tell her how much she is loved and I thank her for being my gift and messenger from the Divine!
UPDATE! Since this article was originally published- Pearl passed away.The treatment that was given extended her life over 2 1/2 years. I am grateful for the gift of having such a loving and special friend in my life- that brought me so much joy. Through her illness- she helped many- and most of all, me who was blessed and touched by having her in my life..
NOTE: I am NOT a Medical or Health care professional. I am simply am passing on my experiences in hopes it will help others. Always seek MEDICAL and HOLISTIC PROFESSIONALS before trying any treatments
The Making of a Psychic Woman
by Christina Ambrosino
When I try to pinpoint and think of all of the occurrences in my life that influenced me to pursue the path of being a psychic–a spiritually and emotionally conscious person, it is difficult to name any “one thing or experience” but rather a series of events that led me to my current way of life. When I was 5 I had the good fortune of having some very kind, wonderful, loving and giving neighbors who not only taught me such lovely ways of being, but rather taught me how to be a person who thought about other things beyond our “daily existence”. Mr. and Mrs. Peres were originally from Virginia Beach (I always wondered how a well to do southern older couple ended up in a brownstone in Brooklyn, New York!–karma, I was to discover!) Due to family circumstances, my parents and siblings were always pre occupied with other things that needed attention, that often left me to the company of Bliss and Ernest Peres. Afternoon teas and holiday dinners were usually accompanied with discussions of their friend “Edgar Cayce” and his facility, ” The Association for Research Enlightenment”(Edgar Cayce is known as the father of Holistic Medicine” and often healed impossible illnesses and conditions thru herbal and natural medicine) I eagerly sat and listened to stories of the wonderful and mystical accomplishments of his work which fascinated my inquisitive nature. Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Peres had a profound effect on my young psyche and soul. Another event that definitely shaped my direction was the passing of my best friend when I was nine years old. John, Johnny as I called him. John was 2 yrs older than I was, we loved to play together. Often he would show up at my house with a gift of a doll, toy or many times an “engagement ring” he would get from the candy machines. Our plans were to get married and have children, when we were older of course! We were friends from toddler age, we had a true soul bond, but it was easy for anyone to love Johnny, he was the sweetest and kindest little boy, the energy of a true healer, always gentle and giving in nature, he was adored by all knew him. I will never forget getting the news of his car accident…”John is in the hospital,”my mom said. She was very good friends with his mom Jenny, I could tell my mom was very upset and worried. Then I heard her say that a friend of John’s brother was driving in the rain the night before and Johnny, who insisted on taking the ride with them, even though his mom did not want him to go, flew thru the windshield and was now in critical condition. Johnny passed that night, I was so lost, in shock and disbelief. As was everyone else around me. I remember being at the wake and listening to my mom’s friends and other adults asking such things as “why him?, he is a child”!–“why did god do this”?”How could such a tragedy happen?”. I remember looking at these grown ups and thinking–“don’t they know??….John is not dead….his soul is still alive”! When I proclaimed as much, saying that “Johnny’s body is just gone, not his soul,he is still alive and will be back”–I remember as if it were yesterday,the surprised and shocked looks at these peoples faces…as if to say “where did this kid come from?.” Actually, I felt the same, and thought it a good and valid question. Where did I come from? Where was my friend John now? What does this all mean? As the next year passed, I began to get some visits from John, assuring me that he was OK. At first I was confused and disbelieving,but then I realized that it “WAS” Johnny and that he was not only OK but still the same sweet and loving John that I knew! One day about a year after his accident, his mom was over my house. I had gotten some messages from John the day before and wanted to share them with his mom Jenny, but was afraid she would not believe me. I wanted to heal her grief so much, for even a 10 year old child could see the horrible pain that she felt. . On this day, I decided I would approach Jenny, so I did. I said “Jenny, are you going to cut your hair tomorrow”? –she replied, “Yes, I am, I just made an appointment, why”?. I responded, “Well, John came to me and told me that, he comes to me sometimes and talks to me.” I could see the look of surprise than the tears well up,then I said ,”And Johnny says he likes where you put his picture and flag,he likes it better in the new spot in the house”Then, it was pure shock that struck Jenny’s face..”Oh my God,how could you know that I just moved his picture and boy scout flag this morning?–I did not tell anyone!”…. Yes, I guess you would say that was my first experience as a medium. After this, I continued to read about Life after Death and spirituality in general. I was fascinated with parapsychology, psychology, religion, eastern cultures and other subjects that gave light to understanding humanity and what existed beyond our physical dimension. I continued to redefine and shape my beliefs (as I still do to some degree). I came to understand the role of patriarchy,religion and spirituality in our society and how it has affected my life and the ripple effects of that. While I do not believe in “religion” per se, I have created a belief system that is a sort of ‘Humanitarian Spirituality” –with key aspects of Buddhism,Earth Religions and Christianity. I believe in being kind, caring compassionate– yet, knowing that I am an empowered being that understands that we,humanity are all connected .We are all part of source energy. I did psychic readings as a child, but then withdrew in my adolescence, I wanted to be more like my peers than differ from them. But I studied and read about these passions…for that’s what they became for me. In 1990, I dealt with health issues that led me to look at health, issues and healing more….another aspect of my life that is ever changing and growing.This experience led me to combine health intuition and scans into my work.I am happy to say thru natural healing methods as well as traditional ones, my health improved and what I have learned also inspires and continues to heal others. In 1992 I began to do psychic readings more seriously –(keeping it on strictly an unprofessional level till then) I am a Health Sensitive, Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium. Many things that were difficult had a profound effect on me. All part of my souls outline and plan. Life’s challenges often provide our souls with opportunities to decide “who and what” we want to be…and what mark we will make on this planet. It is truly up to us, who we choose to be–such things form and create, in my case, the “Making of a Psychic Woman”.